Thursday, 9 August 2018

English Tenses with examples

Tenses shows
1. The time of an action
2. Its degree of completeness

Tenses are mainly three, they are
·         Present
·         Past
·         Future
To each main there are four sub tenses.
·         Simple Tense
·         Continuous Tense
·         Perfect Tense
·         Perfect continuous Tense

Present Tense:
·         Simple present tense
·         Present continuous tense
·         Present perfect tense
·         Present perfect continuous tense
Past Tense:
·         Simple past  tense
·         Past continuous tense
·         Past  perfect tense
·         Past perfect continuous tense
Future Tense:
·         Simple Future tense
·         Future continuous tense
·         Future perfect tense
·         Future perfect continuous tense

Simple Present Tense:
Positive:   Subject+V1+Object
Principle: For 3rd person singular( He, She, It). We should add "S" or "es" at the end of base verb.

Write                                                                          Go
I write             He write+'s'                                       I go                  He go+ es
We write        He writes                                            We go             He goes
you write        It writes                                              You go                        She goes
They write                                                                 They go                      It goes

Home WOrk:
play, try, dance, smile, attend, abuse, cry, learn, speak, come


Simple Present Tense:

Positive: Subject+ Base Verb+ Object (V1+S,  V1+ es)
Negative: Subject+ Do/ Does+ not+ V1+ Object    (do/does only we can use in simple present)

Interrogative:  Do/Does+ Subject+V1+ Object

Negative Interrogative: Do/Does+ n't+ Subject+V1+O
                                                                        Do- I, We, you, they
                                                                        Does-He, She, It
P: I eat (eat)  a Mango every day.
N: I do not eat a mango every day.
I: Do I eat a mango?
Yes, you eat a mango every day.
No, you do not eat a mango every day.

WH Questions:
I eat a mango every day.
1. How often do you eat a mango?
2. What do you eat every day?
3. What do you do every day?
4. Who eat a mango every day?

P: He meets(meet) me daily.
N: He does not meet me daily.
I: Does he meet me daily?
Y: Yes, he meets you daily.
N: No, he does not meet you daily.

1. How often does he meet you?
2. Whom does he meet daily?
3. What does he do daily?
4. Who meets you daily?


1. We learn(learn) English daily.
2. You teach(teach) English every day.
3. They play(play) cricket every day.
4. He comes(come) here daily.
5. She prepares(Prepare) food every day.
6. It Barks(bark) always.

Simple Present Tense:
P: Subject+  have/has+ Object
N: Subject+ do/does+ not+ have+ Object
I: Do/odes+ Subject+ have+ object

N.I: do/does+ n't+ subject+ have+ object

have: I, we, you, they
has: He, she, it
Model2                       Pain
                                eat/ drink

                                 meeting/ Appointment
I have Tea every day.
He has ragi java.
I have fever/I have headache.
I have an appointment.
I have a meeting.

I have  a car.
We have a car.
You have a car.
They have a car.
He has a car.
She has a car.
It has four wheels.

 P: I have ( have) a car.
N: I do not have a car.
I: Do I have a car.
Y: Yes, you have a car.
N: No, you do not have a car.
N. I: Don't I have a car?
1. What do you have?
2. Who have a car?
Yes, You do.
No, you don't.
QTP: Don't I?
QTN: do I?


She has (have) two brothers.
She does not have two brothers.
Does she have  two brothers.
Yes, She has two brothers.
No, She does not have two brothers.
N.I: Doesn't she have two brothers?
She has two brothers.
1. How many brothers does she have?
2. What does she have?
3. Who has two brothers?

Yes, She does./ No, she doesn't
QTP: Doesn't she?
QTN: Does she?

I have (have) a theater.
We have (have) a big class room.
You have (have) headache.
They have (have) good friends.
He has (have) a meeting today.
She has (have) a beautiful face.
It has (have) a long tail.

Simple Present Tense:
"Be" form in the present.
am- I
is- He, Shem It
are- We, you, they

P: subject+ am/is/are+ object
N: Subject+ am/is/are+ not+ object
I: Am/is/are+ subject+ object
N.I: am/is/are+ n't+ subject+ object

Model3: Name(who), Job( what), place(where), condition, age, appearances/ character

P: I am (be) a student.
N: I am not a student.
I: Am I a student?
N.I: Am n't I a student.
Yes, you are a student.
No, you are not a student.

I am a Student.
1. WHat are you?
2. Who is a student?
QTP: Aren't I

We are (be) in the class room.
You are (be) good.
They are (be) confident.
He is (be) 24.
She Is (be) beautiful.
It is (be) on the table.

Uses of Simple Present Tense:
It is used to denote a habitual (or) repeated activities.
everyday/week/ month/ year, always, regularly, daily, usually, often, rarely

Mani goes (go) to church every day.
He does (do) yoga regularly.
My  Parents read news paper daily.
Rani often comes to my house, but I rarely go to her house.

1) My daily activities.
2) My friends daily activities.
3) My every Sunday activities.
4) My friends everyday activities.
5) How do I celebrate my favorite festival.
6) How do I celebrate My birthday festival.
7) students fresher's day party/ annual/ farewell.
8) How do we celebrate Independence/ Republic day.

Connectives: After that, rather, next, then.
To denote a universal truth (or) statements.
1) The sun Rises (rise) in the east.
2) The sun sets (set) in the west.
3) The earth moves (move) around the sun.
4) Blood is red.
5) Ice is (be) cold.
6) Bees make (make) honey
7) Vivekananda is (be) a great inspire.
8) Gandhi is (be) a great leader.

To  denote a planed future action. (spoken only)
To denote Present moment in exclamatory sentence.
look, there the bus is coming (come)
Hey! She falls down.

To introduce a quotation (or) a proverb.
Swamiji says, " strength is life, weakness is death".
A friend in need is (be) a friend in deed.
Empty vessels make such noise.
All the glitters is (be) not gold.


Tomorrow is holiday.
The train arrives in morning.
The park opens at 4 am every day.
The seminar is on 25th July.

News Paper Headlines:
CM meets PM.
Hero sees the heroin and falls in love at tires sight.

Present Continuous Tense:
P: Subject+ am/i/are+ V1+ ing+ object
N: Subject+am/is/are+ not+ V1+ ing+ Object
I: am/is/are+ subject+ V1+ ing+ object
N.I: am/is/are+n't+ subject+ V1+ ing+ object

am- I
is- He, she, it
are- you, they, we
It is used to denote an action. This is going on at the time of speaking.

On going Action:
P: I am writing (wrote) English now.
N: I am not writing English now.
I: Am I writing now.?
N.I: Aren't I writing English now?
Yes, you are writing now.
No, you are not writing now.

1. When are you writing English?
2. What are you writing now?
3. What are doing now?
4. Who us writing now?

1. We are learning (learn) English now.
2. You are teaching (teach) English now.
3. They are playing (play) Cricket now.
4. He is coming (come) now.
5. She is dancing (dance) now.
6. It is working (work) now.

Used to denote Incomplete action.
I am working as a SW Engineer in BACI.
They are constructing a house. (on going)
I am doing Junior course.

To denote a plan future action.

I am going to Chennai tomorrow.

Some verbs are not used in the present continuous Tense. To express their original meaning Instead of
that you should use Simple Present tense.

Verbs of Perception (senses)
see, hear, taste, smell, fell
Pr.c.t: I am seeing you.                                  She is seeing me.
Pr. S.t:I see you.                                 She sees me.

I am hearing a train.                                     She is hearing a train.
I hear a train.                                     She hears a train.

It is tasting nice.                                 It is smelling bad.
It tastes  nice.                                     It smells bad.

Good:  Fragrance, scent, perfume, deodorant, aroma of coffee.
Bad: immolate- burning self, odor

I am feeling cold.                               She is feeling cold.
I feel cold.                                          She feels cold.

Verbs of feelings and Emotions:

love, like, dislike, hate, detest, wish, want, value, mind etc.

pr.c.t: I am loving my parents.                     She is loving him.
Pr.s.t: I love my parents.                   She loves him.

I am liking him.                                  She is liking them.
I like him.                                            She likes them.

I am hating him.                                 She is hating her.
I hate him.                                          She hates her.

I am disliking them.                                       She is disliking him.
I dislike them.                                    She dislikes him.

I am detesting him.                                        She is detesting him.
I detest him.                                       She detests him.

I am wishing you good.                                She is wishing me all the best.
I wishes you good.                            She wishes me all the best.

I am wanting a Job.                                       She is wanting a job.
I want a job.                                       She wants a job.

It is valuing 500.                                I am minding it.
Its value 500.                                     I mind it.

I am not minding it.                                       Are you minding it?
I don't mind it.                                   Do you mind it?

Verbs of Mental Activity:
mentally depressed, mentally challenging, mad

know, remember, recollect, think forget, understand, notice etc.

I am remembering you.                                I remember you.
Are you remembering me?              Do you remember me.

I am recollecting my past memories.
I recollect my past memories.

I am knowing you.                             I Know you.

She is knowing her nose.                 She knows her nose.

She is not knowing his address                   She does not know his address.

Are you knowing me                                                Do you know me

I am Understanding you                               I understand you.

She is not understanding.                She doesn't understanding.

I am thinking of her always.             I think of her always.

He is thinking of him always.                       He thinks of him always.

I am forgetting everything.              I forget everything.

She is forgetting me                                      She forgets me.

You may forget 'm'
you may forget 'e'
you may forget 'me'

Verbs of possession.

have, belong, owe, own, possess

I am having a car.                              I have a car.
She is having two brothers.             She has two brothers.
I am  belonging to Warangal.                       I belong to Warangal.
She is belonging to rich family.                    She belongs to rich family.
I am owing you 500 Rs                                 I own you 500 Rs
She is owing a theater                                  She owns a theater
I am possessing MA                                      I Posses MA
She is possessing a car                                 She possesses a car

Goal setting/ Traffic Jam
I am having tea now.
She is having breakfast now.

 They are having fun/ great time.
I am having shows.

I am having tea every day.               I have tea every day.
She is having breakfast every day.  She has breakfast every day.

2. Seeing:
The principal is seeing the condition tomorrow.

3. Hearing:
The judge is hearing a care today.

4. Thinking: Future plan
I am thinking of buying a house next year.

Present Perfect Tense:
Just completed.

P: Subject+ have/has+ V3+ object
N: subject+ have/has+ not+ V3+ object
I: Have/ Has+ subject+ V3+ object
N.I: have/has+ n't+ subject+ V3+ object
have- I, we, you, they
has- He, she, it

P: I have bought (buy) a car just now.
N: I have not bought a car.
I: Have I bought a car.
N.I: Haven't I bought a car.
Yes, you have bought a car just now.
No, you have not bought a car just now.

1. When you bought a car?
2. What have you bought just now?
3. What have you done just now?
4. Who have bought a car just now?

1. You Have discussed (discuss) seminar topic just now.
2. They have broken (Break) the glass just now
3. He has come (come) just now
4. She has cut (cut) the cake just it now
5. It has fallen (fall) just now.
6. We have learnt (learn) pr.c.t. just now.
7. I had (have) breakfast just now.

It is used to denote active which happened in the past result in the present.

I have done my M.Tech . Now I am doing SW Eng.
She is cut her finger. It is bleeding.

It is used to denote an action which started in the past and still continued to the present.

Since- point of time. Since 1990,  since 4'o clock, since last monday.
for- period of time. for many years, for ten years
V1                            V2                       v3
be                             was                     been

She has been (be) ill since last Monday.
I have been (be) ill for two days.
This house has been (be) vacant for one month.
He has gone to American.
He has been to America.

ð  Some Adverbs of present ten (be) vacant for one month.
He has gone to American.
He has been to America.

ð  Some Adverbs of present tenses in this schedule
               already, reemiting, of late, lately
               N4- still, tillnow, so far, yet

She has already got married ( already, get)
He has already period ( already, pay) the bill.
Recently, they  have shifted (shift) their house.
Have you been (be) to the Hyderabad central lately?
Still, you have not got (not, get) a job.
Till now, she has not paid (not, pay) the bill.
She has not come (not, came) yet.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense:

P: Subject+ have/has+ been+ V1+ ing+ object
N: Subject+ have/has+ not+ been+ V1+ ing+ object
I: have/has+ subject+ been+ V1+ ing+ object
N.I: have/has+ n't+ Subject+ been+ V1+ ing+ object

have- I, we, you, they
has- He, She, it

It is used to denote an action which started at some times in the past and still continued to the  present.

P: I have been living (live) in Hyd Since 1990.
N: I have not been living in Hyd since 1990.
I: Have I been living in Hyd since 1990.
N.I: Haven't I been living in Hyd since 1990.
Yes, you have been living in Hyd since 1990.
No, you have not been living in Hyd since 1990.

1. How long have you been in Hyd?
2. Where have you been living since 1990?
3. What have you been doing since 1990?
4. WHo have been living in Hyd since 1990?

1. We have been learning (learn) English for two years.
2. You have been teaching (teach) English for 21 years.
3. They have been playing (play)  cricket since 4'o clock.
4. He has been working (work) for IBM for 3 years.
5. She has been preparing (prepare) food for 1 hour.
6. It has been serving (serve) the people for 35 years.

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